Cyber War: India v/s Pak

India and Pakistan are neighbor country located in South Asia. Pakistan came into existence on 14th August 1947. And from 14th August 1947 onwards, at least 4 civil wars were conducted between India and Pakistan.

In 1947-48, just after India's independence, Pakistan started the war by launching tribal lashkar from Waziristan. After some days, Pakistani Army also joined the war and moved to conquer Kashmir. At that time, Jammu & Kasmir was a princely state under the control of Hari Singh. He asked India to help at the cost of signing an Instrument of Accession to the Union of India. Indian Army soon entered into the war and it continued till 1st January 1949. Indian Army conquered almost two-third Kashmir. It finally ended by mandating Ceasefire by United Nations.

In 1965, Second Kashmir war was fought by India and Pakistan over the disputed region of Kashmir. The war began following Pakistan's Operation Gibraltar which was designed to infiltrate forces into J&K to precipitate an insurgency against rule by India. In starting stages, Pakistan occupied some land in Rann of Kutch but very soon Indian Air Force attacked Lahore. The war ended on 23rd September 1965 and U.N. mandated ceasefire.

In 1971, natives of East Pakistan started an independence war after which Bangladesh came into existence.The war pitted East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) against West Pakistan (now Pakistan). The Pakistani Army brutally murdered the Bengali civilians. It resulted into migration of people from Bangladesh to India. Tremendous increase in number of immigrants caused India to take part in war. Now, Bangladesh Muktivahini and Indian Army launched attack against Pakistan Army. On 16th December 1971, Pakistani Army was defeated and a new country named Bangladesh came into existence.

Again, in 1999 Kargil war was fought between India and Pakistan. The war was fought due to infiltration of Pakistani Soldier and Kashmiri militants into positions on the Indian sides of LOC (Line Of Control). At last, the Indian Army and Indian Airforce recaptured a majority of the positions on the Indian side of LOC. Indian Army conducted "Operation Vijay" to clear the Kargil sector which became extremely successful. It was the complete victory of India.


But, it is 21st century now. Both (India and Pakistan) are equipped with extremely dangerous nuclear warheads. Also, they have major role in maintaining Regional Balance in South Asia. So, in future there is no possibility of war between India and Pak. Sometimes, condition becomes worse due to unexpected events like Brutal murder of Indian Soldier on border. But, it is expected that India will get a strong leadership (of Narendra Modi) after elections and surely it will help to prevent such brutal murders and other terror activities.

It is only one side of the coin. It does not mean that India and Pakistan are now in a Relationship!!! It's still complicated. But, the way of war is changed. Now, Indian and Pakistani Army fight against each-other in a virtual world. They are now trying to defeat each-other in Cyber World. The weapons are upgraded to Sophisticated Gadgets, Computers and latest Hacking techniques from Guns, Bullets and Tanks. Warriors are also changed to Excellent and trained Hackers, Computer Engineers from Muscular and Brave Soldiers. And this war is continuously going on. The war recently started by Pakistani Attackers. They defaced several small Indian websites under an operation named ‪#‎OpKashmir‬. Pakistani attacker Muhammad Bilal also hacked the official website of BJP leader L.K. Advani's blog. They also attacked Bihar BJP's official website. Recently, Hacker named H4xOr 1Oux m1nd defaced the website of Bangalore City Police. A hacker named Sniper Haxxx defaced the BJP's Junagadh unit website.

 Actually, they are targeting BJP and Narendra Modi's website because Modi is considered Communal and Rightist. Pakistani hackers posted messages on almost all defaced website about killing innocent people in Kashmir. They are demanding a free Kashmir.
But, Indian Hackers are also not too back in the war. Recently, they hacked some very important Pakistani governmental websites. These websites are National Portal of Pakistan (, Website of Cabinet Ministry (, Website of Pakistan Manpower Institute (, Website of Ministry of Defense ( The importance of these websites can be evaluated by its name. These websites were hacked by Hacker duo Bl@Ck Dr@GoN and Haxor Todu. They also posted messages on defaced website. Their message was "One Minute Silence for those, who think that by hacking Indian sites they will get Kashmir.‪ #‎OP‬Pakistan".

So, it was a retaliation attack by Indian Hackers. You can view mirror of defaced website on Apart of these, hackers like Indi W0rm, Parth Malhotra are actively defacing Pakistani websites related to business, government and education. So, this is a brief overview on Cyber War between India and Pakistan. Honestly, I would like to commit that Indian Hackers are little bit backward from their counterpart. They need to work more on the issue.

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