Easy Tricks To Make Money With Facebook For Free And Earn $$$ Online


Making money online and that too on Facebook is really fun. Facebook is a Social Networking site but you can use it to earn money easily without much labor. Almost all of us have a facebook account and we ought to spend a lot of time on facebook. Or, let me correct it. Out of total time spent online, we spend almost 90% time on facebook only. And, what do we do on Facebook? Scroll through news feed, check other's status, like and comment on photos, chat with buddies and activities like that. But, what if I say that you can use Facebook as a platform to earn money. And you will be surprised to know that there are many working ways to make money on facebook. So, if one method doesn't work for you, you can give try to another working method to make money on facebook.

How much money You can earn on facebook?

The question that how much money one can earn on facebook seems very genuine and concerning. The answer varies for person-to-person. It all depends on you. The more effort you will put in, the more money will be poured in your account. Anyhow, you can earn anything between $5-$500 and sometimes even more than that. But, making money online on facebook is not a piece of cake at all. You can't expect money to arrive at your door automatically. Of course, you need some skill, creativity and willingness to work hard in order to make money on facebook easily. So, if you possess these above mentioned things then you are ready to go through this easy guide to make money online with facebook.

1. Make Money on Facebook with Facebook Pages


Almost all of you have basic idea of how facebook pages work. Facebook page is the platform to promote a brand, celebrity, activity, website, product etc. But, there are many facebook pages which are posting entertainment-related stuff too. A few examples are- Rajnikant v/s CID Jokes, Hansi Ke Gol Gappe, Chirkut Baba Ke Anmol Wachan. These pages are very popular with millions of like and page reach. Now, imagine that a company posts an ad of its product on one such page. The company will get exposure to thousands of potential customers. And, the motto of every advertising program is- to reach more & more people. Needless to say that companies spend a lot of money on Advertising solely. So, now imagine it for a second-
You have a facebook page with thousands of likes. You post interesting stuff for your readers. They are attached with your page. And, now you approach to advertisers and show them your page status. Certainly , advertises shall show interest to promote their product on your page. In return, they shall provide you handsome bucks. As simple as that.

But, always remember that you must have a good page with huge number of genuine likes (don't use facebook autoliker to generate fake likes) and better post reach. Only then advertiser will show interest in you. So, here are a few tips which you can use to create an awesome facebook page-

(1.) Build the page on any topic of your expertise and interest.
(2.) Always post unique and creative content to bind the audience.
(3.) Post content on regular basis to engage audience more and more.
(4.) Provide Freebies to people to attract them towards your page.
(5.) Finally, use Facebook Ad to reach more people.
Also, there is another way to earn money with Facebook page. You can create a popular page and then sell it to some other person. Facebook fan pages which are based on celebrities are sold at high prices as these pages get likes easily. But, before making a deal always make sure that the person is trustworthy otherwise you will loose your page without any money.

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2. Make Money on Facebook with URL Shortener Service


Actually, URL shortener services are the easiest method to earn money on facebook. This is the simplest method to make money on facebook. All you need to do is to join any of URL Shortener service. I would like to recommend you AdFly (adf.ly), Shortest (shorte.st) and Linkbucks.

Then, find some really awesome and interesting content (it may be a post, image, video, software, podcast or anything) on Internet. The more interesting your content will be, the more chances will be there for you to earn.
After finding a few good sharable content, use any of the above URL Shortening service to shorten the URL of the content.
Now, share this link on Facebook. You can share it on your timeline, groups or pages. You can also send the link to people through online chatting. I suggest you to use an attractive description for your link so that more people can get attracted to click on your click. Also, don't spam the groups with your link otherwise admin will kick you out from group!!!
If your content and description is attractive then people shall certainly click on the link to know more.

And, you will be get paid for each click. As simple as that!!l!

3. Make Money on Facebook with Facebook Application


If you have ever searched for ways to make money online then certainly you have come through a few sites which pay you on the basis of your activities. You can earn money by playing games, quiz, sudoku, trivia etc on these sites. These sites also pay you for visiting various sites. Fortunately, there are some facebook applications too which can provide you mobile recharge or money on the behalf of your activities. I have searched Internet for a while and found these working Facebook App which you can use easily to earn free recharge or some real cash-

1. AppBank
2. LiveStock
3. Embeepay
Although, I have never tried these apps still I suggest you to give them a try. It will work for you.

4. Make Money on Facebook with your own Facebook App


If you are a programmer or a coder then you can give it a try. You can create your own facebook app using programming skill. If your app gets popular on facebook then you can monetize your app to earn money. Here, monetization means you can add Advertisement in your facebook app. Facebook shall pay you for every click on your ad. To know more about Facebook app, I suggest you to check this.

Also Check: Free Facebook Autoliker Trick to Get Likes

5. Make Money on Facebook by promoting your business


We all are aware of the capability of Facebook as a promoting tool. You can get new customer and sells easily on Facebook. I know one of my relative who works in the field of import & export of products. Let me tell you that he uses email marketing and facebook only to reach new customers. Such is the potential of Facebook. So, if you too are managing a business then Facebook can be proved as an ultimate marketing tool for you. You can easily find new customers on facebook. All you need to do is to create a facebook page of your product or service and make it popular. People shall automatically notice your work and many of them shall be turned as your customer. You can also use facebook to connect with your client in order to provide more efficient service. It will help you to get more sales. And, more sales simply mean more money. Isn't it?

A Personal Message to You

It is nice to see that you have gone through Easy tricks to make money with facebook for free and earn $$$ online. I hope that you have enjoyed the article. However, if you want me to deliver more hacking tutorials and articles then please share my post. You can use Social Sharing Widget provided at the end of every post. After all, Sharing is Caring!!!
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